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Zion Honey Shop


60 Capsule

Propolis is all natural mixture of plant leaves, flower buds, and tree bark combined with beeswax. Propolis contains many essential vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, proteins, and amino acids.



500mg Extracted Propolis Equivalent to 1000mg Raw Propolis

Natural Healer and Rejuvenator
Antioxidant hundred times greater than green tea

What is Propolis?

Propolis is all natural mixture of plant leaves, flower buds, and tree bark combined with beeswax. Propolis contains many essential vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, proteins, and amino acids. Worker honey bees use propolis as sealant to patch-up cracks on bee hives. Propolis also provides natural protection by sterilizing bee hives and inhibiting microbes.

What are the benefits of Propolis?
Botanical Detoxifier: Studies have shown that Propolis helps fighting cancer and reducing cardiovascular diseases. It has 200 times more effective detoxifying power than cabbage and broccoli. With powerful anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory benefits, Propolis also works to protect liver functions.

Antibacterial and antiviral: Propolis has antibiotic resistant property to prevent bacterial and viral infections. Many studies have shown that Propolis has more than 400 times effective antibacterial function than blueberries and garlic. Propolis has been used for centuries for common cold cure inhibiting influenza and rotaviruses.

Serving Size: 1 capsule
Serving Per Container: 60
500mg Ethanol Extracted Propolis Equivalent to 1000mg Raw Propolis
Other Ingredient: hydroxypropylmethyl celluloser
Capsule: Gelatin (vegan)
Directions : As a dietary supplement, 1 capsule up to three times a day
Storage condition: store in tightly closed container free from excessive heat, moisture, light and air.
Caution: Bee products have been known to cause allergic reactions in some people. Keep out of reach of children.