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Zion Honey Shop


Only seasonally available, eucalyptus honey has butterscotch quality with signature creamy texture and mild bitter sweet with hint of eucalyptus. This is also rich in propolis, pollen, bee venom, beeswax and fresh bee enzymes. This special blend is carefully harvested and care is taken to keep its maximum natural potency. Every ounce is lovingly harvested in California.


BUY LOCAL HONEY DIRECTLY from Bee Keeper !, California, U S A.

Natural Noble Honey

Eucalyptus essential Honey
Eucalyptus essential Honey is effective for treating a number of respiratory problems including cold, cough, runny nose, sore throat, asthma, nasal congestion, bronchitis and sinusitis, and also uses for treatment of joint pain. And will calm the throat and dilate the blood vessels, which will allow more oxygen into the lungs and normal breathing can be achieved. The anti-inflammatory properties of eucalyptus essential Honey and oil also come into play in using it to get relief from asthmatic symptoms.

Also used for treating fever and reducing body temperature. This is why one of the common names of eucalyptus honey and oil is “fever treatment.”

Eucalyptus essential Honey is commonly used to stimulate mental activity and increase blood flow to the brain. Since the essential oil is considered a vasodilator by many, it means that it increases the blood flow around the body by relaxing the blood vessels and allowing more blood to circulate. Basically, more blood to the brain means more brain power, and eucalyptus essential honey is commonly employed in classrooms to increase student performance.

유칼립터스 에센셜 꿀
유칼립터스 에센셜 꿀은 오일과 함께 감기, 기침, 콧물, 천식, 코막힘, 기관지염, 축농증 등을 포함하여 호흡기 질환, 그리고 관절통증에도 이용됩니다. 목을 진정시키고, 혈관을 확장시켜서 더 많은 산소를 폐속으로 들어가도록 해서 정상적인 호흡이 이뤄지게 합니다. 꿀속의 항염성분은 천식증상을 진정시키는 작용을 합니다. 열병을 치료하고 체온을 낮춰주어서 유칼립터스 꿀을 “해열재”라는 별명가지고 있습니다.

뇌로 가는 혈액의 흐름을 증가시켜주면서 정신적 활동을 자극해주고, 특히 유칼립터스 오일의 경우 “혈관확장제”로도 불리우는 데, 더불어 꿀도 혈관의 긴장을 풀어주어 몸속 구석구석 혈액의 흐름을 증가시켜주게 하면서 더 많은 혈액순환이 이루어지도록 합니다. 결국 뇌로 더 많은 혈액이 공급된다는 말은 활발한 뇌활동을 의미해서, 학생들의 학업 성취도 증진을 위해서도 많이 애용됩니다.